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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

House training your rabbit!

I'm requesting some customer feedback on the topic of house training/litter box training your rabbit.
I'd love to hear any tips you'd be willing to share!
How did you go about it?  How long did it take, etc.? Any things to be careful of around the house?

Many of our customers want to allow their pet some freedom to hop about the house.  They often ask me a about how to go about this. Since our rabbits are kept in the rabbitry, and not inside our house, we aren't the best ones to answer that question.  If you'd like to share your experience in this area and would be alright with it being shared on our site, please email us! 

 I'd like to add a new area to our site on this topic with your tips!

Thank you!

Email: whitehavenwoodsrabbitry@gmail.com

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