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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Dame-Marie - Our Velveteen Doe

Dame-Marie is a spunky, active gal, but she also LOVES being pet.
This first photo shows how she was when my daughter pulled her hand away after giving her a good petting.  Do you think she's relaxed?

Binky Time! Young Mini Lop doing "binkies" - Video

I was happy to get a short video yesterday of one of the young kits doing a "Binky".

Morning Play - Video of 7 week old Mini Lop Kits

Mornings are fun at Whitehaven Woods Rabbitry.  
The young rabbits have learned that our presence means food and petting.  
They tend to get playful at this time.
Even the adults often run around in excitement when we come out to greet them.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Miss Maggie's current litter

This is Miss Maggie's (Bauer's Fullhouse) current litter. They are almost 7 weeks old.
They are all reserved and going to their new homes in a couple weeks.


Lily's Pedigreed Litter - 2 1/2 weeks old

Here are some photos of Lily's (WolfSongs B3A) current litter with Hawthorne (Spirit's Thor).
They are 2 1/2 weeks old. There are 7 in the litter: 3 black, 3 chestnut, & 1 broken.

If you would like to be on the wait list for this litter please email us at: whitehavenwoodsrabbitry@gmail.com

Violets Litter ~ Photos, 5 weeks old

Photos of Violet's current litter, sired by Whitehaven's Henry.
Email us if you are interested in reserving one from this litter: whitehavenwoodsrabbitry@gmail.com

Monday, August 24, 2015

Mini Lop Video - Miss Maggie & her 6 week old kits

I thought those who have a kit reserved from Maggie's current litter might enjoy this short video.
It was a beautiful morning and we enjoyed letting the kits have some outdoor exercise/play time with their Mom.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Violet & Henry's Kits - 4 weeks old

These photos were taken today of Violet and Henry's litter.
These are 4 week old Mini Lops.  They are very active right now so it was hard to get a picture of them!
4 Japanese Harlequin, 1 Blue Fawn Harlequin, & 2 Tri Color in this litter.

We will be taking reservation deposits on this litter in one week!
Email us if you are interested!  whitehavenwoodsrabbitry@gmail.com

Lily's Mini Lop Kits - photos at 10 days

This photo was taken yesterday of  Lily & Hawthorne's 10 day old Mini Lop kits.
Lily is taking great care of them.  Yesterday one had its eyes open already.
Now you can clearly see the difference in the ones that are chestnut and the ones that are black.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Velveteen Lop Update with Photos

Our Velveteen pair has grown a lot and fit right in here at Whitehaven.
Jeremie continues to be the calm, affectionate one while Dame Marie is more spunky & active.  Thus, it was harder to get a good picture of her.  

We recently took Jeremie to an assisted living/nursing home facility.  He was a big hit with all the residents and it seems he will make a wonderful therapy animal.
He was held and loved on by so many and made their day!  It was a blessing to me to get to bring some delight to their day.  I cherish the time we spend these special people each week.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Miss Maggie's 5 week old Mini Lop kits

Last, but not least, for today here are a couple cute photos of Miss Maggie (Bauer's Fullhouse) cuddling with a couple of her kits.

Mini Lop kits - 5 days old

Lily & Hawthorn's litter of 7 is 5 days old.  (WolfSongs B3A & Spirit's Thor)

Violet's Kits - 3 weeks old

Violet & Henry's litter of 7 is growing and doing new things.
They all still nurse but also enjoy eating pellet food & hay now.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Critterz Chewzit Rabbit toys arrived!

The rabbits got chew toys today and seem very pleased!
A sweet gal who raises rabbits herself makes these Critterz Chewzit rabbit chew toys.  She has a variety of toys for sale suitable for rabbits or guinea pigs.

They are a hit with the guinea pig too!
They can be purchased via her Critterz Chewzit facebook page.
Let her know Joanna @ Whitehaven Woods sent you her way!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

2 day old Mini Lops

Lily's kits are 2 days old today.
Though at first glance most would think this is a litter that has 6 black rabbits, the three on the left are Chestnut Agouti (like their Daddy).  They have pink in their ears and pink bellies.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Lily's litter arrived!

We are happy to announce that Lily (Wolfsong's B3a) kindled 7 healthy kits this evening!
We had been gone all day and thought they might arrive while we were gone.
However, she waited until we all got home and I got all the rabbit cages cleaned out before she started pulling fur.  She started pulling fur around 7:20 pm and they began arriving around 7:45 pm.
We were so glad for the whole family to get to be home and witness the process and arrival of the newest Mini Lops.

We got them out briefly, just after they all arrived, and took this photo.  At first glance it looks like she had 3 chestnuts, 1 broken, and 3 black (or possibly some steel).  All look healthy.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Violet & Henry's 2 week old Mini Lop Kits

I'm a tad late getting these posted.  This pet Mini Lop litter turned 2 weeks old this past Thursday.
All 7 are doing great.  They were earlier than past litters in opening their eyes.  All of them had their eyes open by day 10!

4 Japanese Harlequin Mini Lops

One Blue Fawn Harlequin Mini Lop with a Tri Color on each side.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Haystaching! Another litter of Mini Lops should arrive in next 48 hours.

We are very happy to see Lily (WolfSong's B3A) getting her nest ready this morning!
My daughter Audrey got this great photo of her with her mouth full of hay.  My youngest daughter reached in to give her a petting and she plopped down to take a rest and enjoy the attention.

New kits are likely to arrive anytime between now and Sunday.
I'll  post an update when they arrive.
She was bred to Hawthorne (Spirit's Thor).  They had 6 in their last litter.